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Litchfield Tourist Park, Rum Jungle
Darwin and Surrounds, NT
Ends 14 hrs
$232 normally
2LCH0125 Auction code
Looking for a true Top End experience? Bid for a powered site stay at Litchfield Tourist Park, located next door to the amazing Litchfield National Park, making the ideal base to explore the Magnetic Termite Mounds, Buley Rockhole, Florence Falls, The Lost City and countless other attractions.
Important note: This voucher is not redeemable for cash or credit and is valid subject to availability and at the Operator's discretion UNTIL 31 JANUARY 2026, excluding the months of JUNE, JULY and AUGUST 2025 and school holidays, public holidays, long weekends and local special events. Bookings will not be transferred, moved or cancelled within 14 days of due arrival date and will result in forfeiture of package and all funds paid.
Treat yourself to a tropical retreat by visiting the delightful and diverse city of Darwin. Fans of fishing will enjoy the world famous fishing destination and the truly daring can get up close and personal with crocodiles at the Crocosaurus Cove! You can enjoy a serving of sensational food aboard a sunset dinner cruise and then check out the magical Mindil Beach Sunset Markets. You can also visit some amazing museums and memorials around the city which will give you an insight into the cities interesting history and heritage.
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